The importance of a good working environment
A negative work environment, excessive workload and lack of recognition are among the most common causes of labor unhappiness. The consequences? Less motivated employees have lower performance and productivity. In addition, job happiness directly affects rotation and absenteeism, the two major problems in human resources management today.
The emotional salary refers to all those non-economic aspects that allow loyalty to talent. These are measures that improve the quality of life of the worker and make him value his job more. Designing and executing an employee loyalty strategy also means a differentiation with respect to competing companies; since it increases the feeling of belonging of the workers to the organization (engagement) and, therefore, they will want to continue working for it.
What elements influence the emotional salary?
- Work environment
- Bidirectional communication between the employee and the organization
- Culture and company values
- Give opportunities for internal promotion
- Recognition of the work done
- Face new challenges
- Use of novel technologies

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Working environment